Annibale Carracci

(1560 - 1609)

Variant namesauktoriserad namnform: Annibale Carracci

DatesBiographical dates: 1560 - 1609 dead: dead 1609 born: born 1560



BiographyBiography: Creator of a new pictorial style, which sprang from a study of nature and the practice of life drawing, in contrast with the dominant Mannerist style at the time. Together with his brother Agostino (1557–1602) and cousin Ludovico (1555–1619), he founded a highly influential academy in their native Bologna. In the late 1580s, Annibale undertook a study trip to Parma and Venice, where he admired the works of Correggio, Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto. In 1594, he was summoned to Rome by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese to work in his family palace. The Farnese Gallery is Annibale’s most important legacy, where his new classical style developed in response to what he had seen in Rome with the works of Raphael, Michelangelo and classical Greco-Roman art. His alumni were Domenichino, Albani and Lanfranco.

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