Not on display

An Angel with Arms Crossed

Guido Reni (1575 - 1642)


Material / Technique

Black chalk and traces of heightening in white chalk on grey paper

Dimensionsh x w: Mått 25,3 x 18,7 cm h x w: Sekundärt underlag 34,8 x 23 cm h x w: Passepartout 55 x 42 cm h x w x d: Ram 60 x 47 x 3,5 cm

Inventory numberNMH 1050/1863

AcqusitionTransferred 1866 from Kongl. Museum

Other titlesTitel (sv): Ängel med korslagda armar Titel (en): An Angel with Arms Crossed Titel i inventariet (sv): Engel med händerna hoplagda öfver bröstet Titel (fr): Ange en buste, les bras croisés

DescriptionDescription: Laid down. Numbered at lower right in pen and brown ink: 884 (Sparre) and on the mount: 4 (struck out) and 884 (Sparre); inscribed below on the mount in pen and red and brown ink: Guido Reni Bolognese. Inscribed on the mount: Allieuo de´Carracii d´anni 67 morì nel 1642. The drawing is a study for the angel on the right in Guido´s painting "Pietà dei Mendicanti" (1613-1616), now in the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Bologna[Bjurström, It. Drawings, cat. no. 1616]


Geographical origin

Geogr. härkomst: Italy

MaterialPaper, Black chalk (Crayon), White chalk (Crayon)


Object category