Daniel Seghers

(1590 - 1661)

Variant namesauktoriserad namnform: Daniel Seghers

DatesBiographical dates: 1590 - 1661 dead: dead 1661 born: born 1590



BiographyBiography: Daniel seghers was both an ecclesiastic and a painter. As a painter he had first been trained in Utrecht where he had moved with his widowed mother. In 1609 or 1610 the family returned to Antwerp where Seghers completed his training under Jan Brueghel I. In 1611 he was accepted as a master in the local guild and in 1615 he entered the Jesuit Order and took his final vows as a lay brother in 1625. The Jesuits sent him to Rome in 1625 and finally in 1627 placed him in Antwerp, where he remained for the rest of his life. Today he is mostly known for his flower pieces. Although his works were much sought after, they were not generally available on the open market but bestowed rather as gifts by the Jesuit Order. In 1661, the year he died, Seghers made an inventory of the flower paintings he had made.1 As a specialist in flower painting Daniel Seghers left the figural work to other specialists. The artists he worked with included Cornelis Schut, Erasmus Quellinus II, Abraham van Diepenbeck, Simon de Vos, Gerard Seghers, Tomas Willeboirts Bosschaert and Hendrick van Balen.

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