Johan Tobias Sergel

(1740 - 1814)

Variant namesauktoriserad namnform: Johan Tobias Sergel egentligt namn: Johan Tobias Sergell

DatesBiographical dates: 1740 - 1814 dead: dead 1814-02-26 born: born 1740-08-28



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BiographyBiography: Sculptor, Professor, Court Intendant. Illustrator and sculptor, professor at Academy of Art from 1780th Sergel started his training at the building of the castle in Stockholm, with JE Rehn and P.H. L'Archevêque as a teacher. During an early trip, he came into direct contact with Edmée Bouchardon and French culture. Of more fundamental importance was the stay abroad a royal scholarship 1767-79. He held the longest time in Rome, where he signed a model of the French Academy, and studied the famous monuments, but he sought also to the newly found antique engines in Naples and Portici. In his first major independent work, Faune (1770), transformed Sergel the models for a character that spoke strongly to the present. In a number of other sculptures that Diomedes, Nymph, which rises out of the bath, Mars and Venus, Cupid and Psyche, he gave expression to the same life near the ancient view. Sergel was when he left Rome a sculptor of European importance. He had also, through his contacts with J.H. Füssli and Nicolai Abildgaard, developed into a prominent artist. On the way home to Sweden was elected Sergel in the French Academy of Arts and executed sculpture Othryades. After returning home in 1779, he was contacted immediately by Gustav III. For the king's behalf was Sergel including chop Cupid and Psyche in marble and complement and complete the teacher L'Archevêques monument to King Gustav II Adolf in Stockholm. In 1791 was Sergel finished with proportional model for the statue of Gustav III, who was cast in bronze and put up at the wharf long after King's death, 1808th In addition to the larger mission, he worked with many smaller orders resulting in finely shaped busts and medallion portraits of Kellgren and Bellman (1787). As a sculptor represents Sergel transition from the sensuous late baroque Canova and Thorvaldsen cool neoclassicism. As an artist he often swung from the ideal to caricature. The team with friends who Elijah Martin and Carl August Ehrensvard he pursued approaches from Rome in the series of personally rendered, expressive drawings. For the following generations became Sergel one never reached a role model. Lived with Anna-Rella Hellström.

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