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Carl Gustaf Tessin (1695–1770), Count, Councillor of the Realm, Director of Public Works and Diplomat, his Wife, Ulla Sparre af Sundby, married Tessin (1711–1768), Countess and Mistress of the Robes, her Niece, Brita Stina Sparre, married Törnflycht (1720–1776), Countess, and the Dachshund Pehr, 1736

Martin van Meytens d.y. (1695 - 1770)


DatesMade: Executed 1736

Material / Technique

Oil on canvas

Dimensionsh x w: Mått 100 x 122 cm h x w x d: Ram 110,7 x 133 x 7,2 cm

Inventory numberNMGrh 4161

AcqusitionPurchase 1996

Other titlesTitle (sv): Carl Gustaf Tessin (1695–1770), greve, riksråd, överintendent, diplomat, hans maka Ulla Sparre af Sundby, g. Tessin (1711–1768), grevinna, överhovmästarinna, hennes niece Brita Stina Sparre, g. Törnflycht (1720–1776), grevinna, samt taxen Pehr, 1736 Title (en): Carl Gustaf Tessin (1695–1770), Count, Councillor of the Realm, Director of Public Works and Diplomat, his Wife, Ulla Sparre af Sundby, married Tessin (1711–1768), Countess and Mistress of the Robes, her Niece, Brita Stina Sparre, married Törnflycht (1720–1776), Countess, and the Dachshund Pehr, 1736 Previous: Carl Gustaf Tessin, Ulla Sparre af Sundby samt Brita Stina Sparre Previous: Carl Gustaf Tessin, Ulla Sparre af Sundby and Brita Stina Sparre

DescriptionDescription: Meyten’s group portrait of the Tessins and their sixteen-year-old niece, Britta Stina Sparre, was painted in association with the embassy to Vienna, 1735-36. Carl Gustaf Tessin and his wife Ulla are dressed in hunting clothes, while their relative wears a simple costume, as if she were a servant. Tessin’s hound, a dachshund called Pehr he received as a gift from Fredrik I, is shown in the lower right corner.

Depicted Person
