On display
Wikimedia CommonsBaptismal angel
Artist/MakerArtist: Bertel Thorvaldsen ( - 1844)
Material / TechniqueMarble
Dimensionsh: Mått 181 cm
Inventory numberNMSk 1363
AcqusitionPurchase 1932
Other titlesTitel (sv): Dopängel Titel (en): Baptismal angel
DescriptionDescription: The Angel is a baptismal font by Thorvaldsen for the Vor Frue church in Copenhagen. It was located in front of the altar at the end of the central aisle, giving the impression that the angel greeted the visitors, making them a part of the community through baptism. It was later replaced by a kneeling angel in front of a monumental figure of Christ with open arms. Thorvaldsen was, in addition to Antonio Canova, the foremost sculptor of his time.