Not on display

Italian Landscape

Jan Wijnants (1635-01-01 - 1684-01-22), Uncertain attribution to


Material / Technique

Graphite, point of brush in grey, grey wash on paper

Dimensionsh x w: Mått 34,6 x 45,2 cm

Inventory numberNMH 125/1866

Other titlesTitle (sv): Italienskt landskap Title (en): Italian Landscape

DescriptionDescription: Beskrivning i inventariet: Landskap med ruiner och boskap Laverad i tusch Med föreg. 18 okt 1866: Öfverlemnad jemte följand från Kongl. Biblioteket enl. qvitto 18/10 1866 - från den forna Carlbergssamlingen. [slut] Beskrivning i Magnusson, Dutch Drawings nr 484: Graphite, point of brush in grey, grey wash, 346 x 452 mm. Ruled framing lines in grey ink, drawn c. 10 mm inside the edge of the paper; under the ink are two parallel incised lines. The drawing stops at the lines. Inscribed in the upper right corner with a red triangle (Karlberg Collection) and, in pen and brown ink, N:o 5. Drawings by Wijnants are very rare, so comparisons with other works are limited. The manner of this drawing is similar to drawings like the one in the Louvre, but the dry, repetitive brushwork in the foliage, the heavy outlines and the preset borders suggest that it is a copy. Wijnants painted mostly woodlands and dunes, while here the view seems Italian (Tivoli?). It could also be an 18th-century pastiche. [slut] Description: Graphite, point of brush in grey, grey wash, 346 x 452 mm. Ruled framing lines in grey ink, drawn c. 10 mm inside the edge of the paper; under the ink are two parallel incised lines. The drawing stops at the lines. Inscribed in the upper right corner with a red triangle (Karlberg Collection) and, in pen and brown ink, N:o 5. Drawings by Wijnants are very rare, so comparisons with other works are limited. The manner of this drawing is similar to drawings like the one in the Louvre, but the dry, repetitive brushwork in the foliage, the heavy outlines and the preset borders suggest that it is a copy. Wijnants painted mostly woodlands and dunes, while here the view seems Italian (Tivoli?). It could also be an 18th-century pastiche. [Magnusson, Dutch Drawings no. 484]


Geographical origin

Geographical origin: Holland (Kingdom of the Netherlands)

MaterialGraphite, Paper

TechniqueDrawing, Wash drawing

Object category