Erik Sparre af Sundby (1665–1726), Count, Councillor of the Realm, Field Marshal and Ambassador
Dimensionsh x w: Mått 115 x 109 cm
Inventory numberNMGrh 1024
Other titlesTitle (sv): Erik Sparre af Sundby (1665–1726), greve, riksråd, fältmarskalk, ambassadör Title (en): Erik Sparre af Sundby (1665–1726), Count, Councillor of the Realm, Field Marshal and Ambassador Previous: Eric Axelson Sparre af Sundby, 1665-1726
DescriptionDescription: Erik Sparre entered French military service at the age of just 18 and fought with Louis XIV’s armies in Italy and Spain. Resigning as a lieutenant general in 1707, he subsequently held a number of Swedish military and civilian positions, including that of ambassador to France. Sparre commissioned several works from Hyacinthe Rigaud’s studio in Paris, including portraits of himself and Charles XII, composed with the standard poses and costumes employed by the artist.
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