Not on display

Aeneas Fleeing from the Burning Troy with Anchises over his Shoulder and Ascanius and Creusa by his Side. After Botoni?



Made by: Okänd

Dimensionsh x w: 42,3 x 35,3

Inventory numberNMH CC 2311

AcqusitionDonated 1941 by Eric Langenskiöld. Formerly in the Cronstedt collection, Fullerö

Other titlesTitle (sv): Aeneas flyr ur det brinnande Troja med Anchises över axeln och Ascanius och Kreusa vid sin sida. Efter Charles-André van Loo Title (en): Aeneas Fleeing from the Burning Troy with Anchises over his Shoulder and Ascanius and Creusa by his Side. After Botoni?


Geographical origin

Geographical connection: France
