Not on display

Albano Laziale: (a) Unidentified two-storey tomb on the Via Appia, perspectival elevation and plan (left); (b) Tomb of Arruns, known as the Tomb of the Horatii and the Curatii, perspectival elevation and plan (upper right); (c) decorative moulding and cornice of a tomb (lower right)



Material / Technique

Pen and brown ink over black chalk, grey wash, compass, straight-edge and freehand

Dimensionsh x w: 46 x 59 cm

Inventory numberNMH CC 2296

AcqusitionDonated 1941 by Eric Langenskiöld. Formerly in the Cronstedt collection, Fullerö

Other titlesTitel (sv): Plan och fasad av en liten tempelbyggnad vid Via Appia och av ett gravmonument med flera koner. Dessutom studier av kymatier och bladstavar Titel (en): Albano Laziale: (a) Unidentified two-storey tomb on the Via Appia, perspectival elevation and plan (left); (b) Tomb of Arruns, known as the Tomb of the Horatii and the Curatii, perspectival elevation and plan (upper right); (c) decorative moulding and cornice of a tomb (lower right) Tidigare: Plan and Elevation of a Small Temple by Via Appia and a Sepulchral Monument with Several Cones. Also studies of cymatia

DescriptionRes. Katalogtext: Bortolozzi, Italian Architectural Drawings from the Cronstedt Collection, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, 2020 (cat. no. 43) Anon. Italian copyist after Pirro Ligorio, second half of the 16th century Pen and brown ink over black chalk, grey wash, compass, straightedge and freehand, 44.1/44.5 × 59.5 cm NM H CC 2296 PAPER: light weight, folded in the middle WATERMARK: Grape 20 INSCRIPTIONS: Sotto a la vica è questa tempio in su la Via appia (at centre left); Villa di albano sopra la Via appia è questa seppultura di[cin]que fratelli albanezzi, uno ¼ di miglio lontano (at upper right); Apreso albana in una seppultura è questa cornice (at centre right); various measurements MEASUREMENTS: Roman palmi; no scale PROVENANCE: Carl Johan Cronstedt and descendants; Eric Langenskiöld; gift to the Nationalmuseum of Stockholm 1941 BIBLIOGRAPHY: unpublished (a) A main apsidal hall, 60 palmi long, is flanked by two lower wings connected in the interior through an opening screened by columns in pairs. At the ground storey, two engaged Doric columns stand on either side of the entrance. On the second storey, a central window, set over the entrance, is flanked by niches. (b) Reconstruction of the Tomb of Arruns, known during the Renaissance as the Tomb of the Horatii and Curatii, still largely extant on the Via Appia, outside Albano. Peruzzi and Giuliano da Sangallo drew perspectival elevations of the tomb, with picturesque cracks and vegetation, but in their drawings the proportions were not respected, and no measurements were recorded. However, the Stockholm draughtsman correctly represents and measures the basement of the structure (the only part of the tomb that still existed in its entirety during the Renaissance period), 60 palmi square and 32 palmi high, suggesting that he undertook a direct study of the structure and that the drawing does not directly depend on older graphic sources. Close to the Stockholm drawing is a drawing by Pirro Ligorio in Naples and two drawings by Ligorio's copyists in the Vatican (Codex Ursinianus) and Windsor. OTHER DRAWINGS: (b) BAV, Cod. Barb. 4424, fol. 8v, Giuliano da Sangallo, post 1464–ante 1516; BAV, Cod. Ursinianus, Vat. lat. 3439, fol. 36r, circle of Pirro Ligorio, 1553–1568; Florence, Uffizi, 417Ar, Baldassarre Peruzzi, c. 1519; Florence, Uffizi, 1414Av, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, post 1534–ante 1546; London, SJSM, vol. 123, fol. 1r, Giovan Battista Montano; Naples, BN, Ms XIII B 10, fol. 63v; Windsor, RL 10820, Ancient Roman Architecture, fol. 33, Codex Ursinianus copyist. Prints: Philipp Galle, Hendrick Van Cleef, Sepulcrum trium Horatiorum, Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, 1600, 34 [end]


Geographical origin

Geogr. anknytning: Italy

