• NameFra Bartolommeo
  • Sexmale
  • Variant namesnamnvariant: Bartolomeo di Domenico Paolo
    egentligt namn: Baccio della Porta
  • Nationality/DatesItalian, born 1472-03-28, dead 1517-10-31
  • PlacesPlace of birth: Florens, Italien
    Place of death: Florens, Italien
Biography[2002-01-10] Högrenässansmålare verksam i Florens. Bartolommeo kom på 1490-talet under inflytande av Girolamo Savonarolas straffpredikningar och anslöt sig som munk till dominikanorden. Efter flera års uppehåll, och efter studier av bl.a. Leonardo da Vincis sfumato, återupptog han sitt måleri. Tillsammans med Mariotto Albertinelli utförde han ett antal målningar med religiösa scener. Hans rena och monumentala stil med skulpturalt formade figurer har en mild och varm färgskala. Av hans mer kända verk kan nämnas Kristi gravläggning (1516). Källa: NE [EHg]
[2002-06-03] Enligt vissa källor, bland annat Thieme-Becker, avled Bartolommeo i Pian de Mugnone. He was the first painter in Florence to understand Leonardo da Vinci's painterly and compositional procedures. Later he created a synthesis between Leonardo's tonal painting and Venetian luminosity of colour. Equally important were his inventions for depicting divinity as a supernatural force, and his type of sacra conversazione in which the saints are made to witness and react to a biblical event occurring before their eyes, rather than standing in devout contemplation, as was conventional before. His drawings, too, are exceptional both for their abundance and for their level of inventiveness. Many artists came under his influence: Albertinelli, Raphael, Andrea del Sarto, Titian, Correggio, Beccafumi, Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Källa: Grove art. IN the country of Prato, distant from Florence ten miles, at a village called Savignano, was born Bartolommeo, whose name, according to Tuscan use, was shortened into Baccio. Showing aptitude for drawing in his childhood, through the mediation of Benedetto da Maiano he was placed in Cosimo Rosselli's workshop, dwelling for many years with some of his relatives near the gate of S. Piero Gattolini, so that he was never known by any other name than Baccio della Porta. Källa: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/basis/vasari/vasari12.htm [JML]